Dwarf Boxwood: Thrive with Basic Care Tips

Dwarf English Boxwood Care tips and instructions.

The Bonsai Boi with Gemini

2/15/20232 min read

Dwarf English Boxwood Care Tips and Instructions:


  • Prefers: Full sun to part shade (at least 5-6 hours of direct sunlight).

  • Avoid: Deep shade, which can lead to leggy growth and sparse foliage.


  • Water deeply: When the top inch of soil feels dry.

  • Frequency: Varies based on climate and season. Water more often during hot, dry periods and less frequently in cooler months.

  • Avoid: Overwatering, which can lead to root rot.

  • Tip: Use a moisture meter to help gauge soil moisture levels.


  • Prefers: Well-draining, fertile soil.

  • Mix: Amend sandy soil with compost or peat moss; improve clay soil with coarse sand or perlite.

  • Container: Ensure your container has drainage holes.


  • Apply: A 2-3 inch layer of mulch around the base of the plant to retain moisture, regulate soil temperature, and suppress weeds.

  • Keep mulch: Away from the stem to prevent disease.


  • Feed: Once in spring with a balanced fertilizer formulated for shrubs or evergreens.

  • Avoid: Overfertilizing, which can cause excessive growth and leaf scorch.


  • Shape: Prune lightly and regularly to maintain desired shape and size.

  • Best time: Early spring to mid-summer.

  • Remove: Dead, diseased, or damaged branches.

  • Trim: New growth to encourage bushier appearance.

Winter Protection:

  • In colder climates: Apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plant before the first frost.

  • Wrap: Young or newly planted boxwoods with burlap or frost cloth to protect from wind and harsh winter temperatures.

Additional Tips:

  • Pest & Disease: Boxwoods are susceptible to boxwood blight and boxwood leafminer. Monitor for signs and treat promptly if necessary.

  • Container Care: Water container-grown boxwoods more frequently and fertilize with a diluted fertilizer solution every 2-4 weeks during the growing season.

  • Rejuvenation: If your boxwood becomes overgrown, you can prune it more heavily in late winter or early spring, but be careful not to remove more than 1/3 of the total growth.


Remember, these are general guidelines, and specific care needs may vary depending on your climate and growing conditions. Don't hesitate to adjust your care routine based on your observations and the specific needs of your Dwarf English Boxwood.